10th Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies
Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals
September 22, 2021
On September 22, 2021, the Community of Democracies under the leadership of the Romanian Presidency will hold its 10th Ministerial Conference under the theme of Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals. The event will take place in the margins of the High-Level Week of the 76th UN General Assembly. Due to the ongoing pandemic-related restrictions in the UN host city of New York, the conference is offered in a virtual format.
The Ministerial Conference will bring together ministers of foreign affairs and high-level officials of democratic governments, representatives of civil society, youth, and other democracy stakeholders to discuss current challenges and opportunities to democracy.
Read more on the CoD 10th Ministerial: Press Release
Follow CoD 10th Ministerial on social media
Hashtag: #CoD10Ministerial
Twitter @CommunityofDem (CoD) @MAERomania (Presidency)
Facebook @CommunityofDemocracies (CoD) mae.romania (Presidency)
Watch the event life at 8.30 EDT/ 14.30 CEST
The event will be livestreamed on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/mae.romania) and YouTube channel of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://www.youtube.com/user/MAERomania)