Gender Equality

The Community of Democracies (CoD) is committed to the advancement of women’s participation in public life, in line with its Strategic Plan, and the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda that recognizes Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality as crucial to the achievement of all SDGs.


Examples of Activities


Working Group on Women and Democracy 

The Working Group brings together governments and civil society committed to the common goal of achieving gender equality and ensuring meaningful women’s participation in public life and is determined to take concrete actions towards that aim. The Working Group is co-chaired by Finland and Lithuania.


Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Budgeting

The Action Plan is intended as a voluntary tool to inform and assist member states in drafting their own gender responsive budget. It can be used to support national and local governmental initiatives on gender budgeting. It is recommended that the Action Plan is used in parallel with training or workshops on gender budgeting for public officials.

The Action Plan was launched in March 2023 at a side event of the CoD Working Group on Women and Democracy on the margins of the 67th Committee on the Status of Women. Click here to download 


Policy Brief: Afghanistan and SDG5

The Policy Brief: Afghanistan and SDG5, developed by Ms. Clare Hutchinson, former NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace, and Security, outlines the progress and challenges to implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Afghanistan until August 2021, particularly SDG5 on gender equality. Based on conversations with Afghans in the country and the diaspora, it also provides recommendations and actions. Click here to download 

Women Leading in Crises: Interview Series

This interview series brings together a diverse set of voices of established and emerging women activists and politicians to discuss their experiences of leadership in each region of the world. Go to the Stories

Women in Peacebuilding: Stories

Based on interviews with women leaders in peacebuilding and peacekeeping, the Stories highlight achievements of women in sustaining peace as well as challenges to their participation in the field of peacebuilding. Go to the Stories

Engaging Women in Sustaining Peace: A Guide to Best Practices 

The publication identifies best practices in women’s participation in conflict resolution and peacebuilding from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America as well as challenges that women face in these post-conflict settings. Click here to download