June 27th, 2019, marks the 19th anniversary of the Warsaw Declaration- the founding document of the Community of Democracies, adopted on June 27th, 2000 in Warsaw by 106 states attending the opening Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies.
The Warsaw Declaration defines the essential norms and practices for the effective establishment and consolidation of democracy and emphasizes the interdependence between peace, development, human rights and democracy. The countries that adopted the Warsaw Declaration recognized the universality of democratic values and committed to respect and uphold the 19 core democratic principles outlined in the Warsaw Declaration, including the right of the citizens to choose their representatives through free and fair elections, the right of every person to freedom of opinion and of expression, and the right of the press to collect and disseminate information.
As part of the Strategic Objectives of the Community of Democracies, Member States of the Community’s Governing cooperate to encourage adherence to Warsaw Declaration principles in countries within and outside the Community.
Download the brochure below to learn more about the Warsaw Declaration as a roadmap to democracy.