Governing Council

The Governing Council (GC) of the Community of Democracies provides a unique venue for countries that share democratic values to help each other and advocate globally on issues of mutual concern.

The Governing Council comprises of member states that commit to abide by the common democratic values and standards outlined in the Warsaw Declaration and make tangible contributions to strengthening the Community of Democracies. The Governing Council cooperates with civil society and other affiliated bodies of the CoD.

The diversity of the Governing Council’s Membership, which includes countries from different world regions and at different stages in their democratic journey, provides the potential to draw on a wide pool of experiences and information sources to spur action and facilitate peer learning.


Member States

Argentina,  Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, North Macedonia, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay.


Click here for the Statements adopted by Member States of the CoD Governing Council