Ministerial Conferences
Ministerial Conferences of the Community of Democracies gather high-level representatives of democratic states, civil society, and other democracy stakeholders. Ministerial Conferences conclude with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration by the participating states. Warsaw Declaration was the first Ministerial Declaration of the Community of Democracies.

10th Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies
Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals
September 22, 2021
The 10th CoD Ministerial Conference gathered representatives of democratic states, civil society and youth to discuss Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals. Hosted by the CoD Presidency of Romania and chaired by Romanian Foreign Minister H.E. Bogdan Aurescu, the event was organized during the High-Level Week of the 76th UN General Assembly in New York City. Due to ongoing COVID-19 related restrictions, the conference was held online.
Bucharest Ministerial Declaration

Ministerial Declarations
Ministerial Conferences conclude with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration by the participating states.
Through the Warsaw Declaration and subsequent Ministerial Declarations, the Community’s Governing Council Member States have consistently reaffirmed their commitment to core democratic values.