CoD Youth Forum
September 27-29, 2021
A companion event to the CoD Ministerial Conference, the Youth Forum will take place in a virtual format using Zoom Webinars over three days on September 27-29, 2021. The Forum is a global platform for the participation of representatives of youth-led organizations and networks. The Forum is organized by the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies and CoD Presidency Romania and championed by the CoD YouthLeads, young activists and democracy leaders from different countries and regions within and outside the Governing Council membership.
The three-day CoD Youth Forum will aim at sharing good practices between the regions regarding youth participation in politics and civic life as well as their role in the implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and advancing peace and security. The Youth Forum will comprise four regional discussions: 1) Europe, 2) Asia, 3) Americas, 4) Africa and MENA to explore democracy-related topics of importance to youth networks and organizations based in mentioned-above respected regions as well as YouthLeads conversations with renowned democracy speakers: and a dynamic capacity-building webinar aimed at improving skills of participants in digital spaces.
Click here to register for the CoD Youth Forum
Agendas for each day of the Forum can be found below

CoD Youth Forum 2021
Day 2, September 28, 2021