CoD YouthLeads Virtual Event
Youth Participation in Political Processes: Voters, Candidates, Elected Officials
Thursday, July 1, 2021, at 3 PM CEST | 9 AM EDT on Zoom Webinars
Inclusive political processes establish the foundation for responsive, participatory and representative decision-making (Sustainable Development Goal 16). Despite progress made in advancing youth participation in politics, youth are still underrepresented as candidates, and elected officials.
This virtual event featured young activists and elected officials from Andorra, Estonia, Lithuania and Morocco to share their experiences and practices utilized in their countries aimed at increasing youth participation in electoral processes, including in pre- and post- electoral periods.
The event discussed how to remove existing barriers for youth electoral participation at different levels and in different areas, such as the national legal and political frameworks. Speakers also addressed the problem of youth’s lack of confidence in democratic institutions that results in low youth voter turnout across the world among others as well as explore its causes and suggest practical ways to support young people in participating meaningfully in public life.