Message from the Permanent Secretariat

July 14, 2015
A note from Chief of Staff Magdalena Gawronska regarding the upcoming Ministerial Conference.
Dear Readers,
We are gearing up for a busy month ahead of us – that is to say, we are currently finalizing preparations for the Community of Democracies' Eighth Ministerial Conference. This year, the internationally-attended event will take place in San Salvador, El Salvador.
Before I go into details, allow me to discuss the importance of this year's conferential location and what it means to the Community of Democracies. Over the last two years, El Salvador has held the Presidency and has upheld the Community's purpose as a global inter-governmental coalition of states, dedicated to democracy. While the Presidency alters biennially, its contributions are not only universal, they are long-term and cause a noteworthy impact to the global support for democracy.
As part of the overall theme, Democracy and Development, El Salvador has actively led the Community through a variety of initiatives. In collaboration with the Presidency, we have been active via an international platform covering topics including, but not limited to, a UN resolution on democracy and development, education for democracy, protecting civic space, as well as improving electoral processes and freedom of expression.
In celebration of the successful conclusion of El Salvador's Presidency, over 800 particpants from CD's governments, civil society organizations and the private sector will come together on July 22-24. The Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador are co-organizing the Conference, which will include high-level participation from current and former Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, activists and acclaimed figureheads of democracy.
Throughout the three days, the Ministerial will hold youth, private sector, civil society and parliamentary fora, all with the intention to strike dialogue and encourage discussion pertaining to each one's greatest challenges and strengths. The Community of Democracies will also bestow the Geremek Award and Palmer Prize, which boast unconventional dedication in the fight for political rights and civic liberties.
As we approach closer to the date, I write to you with optimism and inform you, that this Ministerial Conference will be historical and unlike any other we have ever had in the past. It will set a precedent for future Presidencies and partners to the Community of Democracies.
With my best regards,
Magdalena Gawro?ska
Chief Coordinator of the Ministerial Conference
Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies