New Initiative Aims to Put Democratic Values at Center of Security Policy

June 30, 2016
The Community of Democracies launches a year-long effort to bring governments together in a consultative process to develop best practices for security based on respect for democracy and human rights.
The Democracy and Security Dialogue, led by former Tunisian Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, will address the rising security challenges and increased threats from violent extremism through global consultations with governments and civil society.

The Community of Democracies, an organization dedicated to common action among democracies, has developed the Democracy and Security Dialogue to foster greater collaboration among democracies with the ultimate goal of increasing security and creating a more hospitable environment for the strengthening of democracy around the world.

The public launch event was followed by the first in a series of private workshops that will bring governments and civil-society stakeholders to discuss best practices for security policies that are in line with the 19 core democratic principles found in the Warsaw Declaration that 106 states signed in 2000.