The PSCD is delighted to inform about the launch of a new initiative on “Women in Peacebuilding: Stories”
Continuing the conversation on the importance of women’s involvement in peace efforts, the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies (PSCD) conducted interviews with women leaders in the area of peacebuilding and peacekeeping to present their stories to the public. With this initiative, the PSCD aims to raise awareness about the contribution that women make across the world to preventing and resolving conflicts, and peacebuilding; inspiring future generations to actively engage women in sustaining peace.
Starting this month, the PSCD will be publishing Women in Peacebuilding: Stories highlighting experiences of women peacebuilders in line with the UN Secretary General seven-point action plan on gender-responsive peacebuilding (2010). The initiative will be launched on May 13th, 2020 by publishing a first story of Kumudini Samuel of Sri Lanka speaking to conflict resolution. The Stories will be posted on the Community of Democracies’ web-site, CoD Facebook page and CoD twitter profiles @CoD_Women and @CommunityofDem.
The link to a web-page of the Stories will be provided shortly!
The initiative is conducted in the framework of the CoD “Engaging Women in Sustaining Peace” project and generously supported by the Republic of Korea.