Palmer Prize 2015: Call for Nominations

March 2, 2015
The Council for a Community of Democracies is calling for nominations for the 2015 Palmer Prize for diplomats.
The adherence of 106 democratic countries to the Warsaw Declaration created a new standard for diplomacy. The Palmer Prize seeks to honor those diplomats who are actively engaged in the realization of those standards. The award is intended for diplomats who display valor under difficult circumstances and take risks or are especially inventive in their sustained efforts to assist civil society to advance democracy in their countries of assignment. Our models for the award are drawn from the experiences highlighted in the Diplomat’s Handbook for Democracy Development Support, a work inspired by Ambassador Mark Palmer and by his exceptional service to the cause of democracy as United States Ambassador to Hungary during that country’s transition to democracy.
1. Demonstrated support for civil society's right to freedoms of assembly, expression, and other principles as outlined in the Warsaw Declaration of the Community of Democracies.
2. Supported efforts to assure broader political participation.
3. Contributed significantly to assuring free and fair elections.
4. Sustained efforts to support human rights, including actions, which resulted in a release of prisoners of conscience, an end to cruel and inhuman punishment.
5. Facilitated a broader dialogue on democratic reform.
6. Coordinated effective international efforts to advance movement toward democracy.
7. Identified and articulated the importance of democratic values, despite working in a closed/authoritarian society.
8. Contributed innovative ideas and support for the consolidation of democratic institutions in countries in transition.
9. Upheld the idea of rule of law in countries where it is not practiced.
Nominations can be made by foreign ministries or civil society. The deadline for submission of nominations is March 31, 2015. The review process will continue through April with a formal announcement of the winner(s) to be made in San Salvador in July 2015.
Please direct all nominations and/or questions to the secretariat of the nongovernmental International Steering Committee of the Community of Democracies, care of: The Council for a Community of Democracies,