Poland assumes the Presidency of the Community of Democracies
The Community of Democracies welcomes Poland as it assumes the Community’s Presidency for 2025. As a founding member of the Community of Democracies and the host country to the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies, Poland has consistently played an important role within the CoD.
Poland’s priorities for the CoD Presidency include countering the negative impact of disinformation on human rights and democracy, reinforcing democratic values and building resilience, and supporting human rights defenders as guardians of democratic values.
“I welcome the priorities of Poland’s Presidency of the Community of Democracies as they reflect significant changes in the geopolitical circumstances worldwide. Addressing the threat of disinformation to build democratic resilience and reinforce democratic values, as well as protecting democratic activists and human rights defenders from persecution is crucial” said Secretary General dr. Mantas Adomėnas.