September 16, 2021
The Community of Democracies to hold its 10th Ministerial Conference in the margins of 76th UN General Assembly in New York City
Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals
On September 22, 2021, the Community of Democracies (CoD), under the leadership of the Presidency of Romania, is hosting the CoD 10th Ministerial Conference, organized during the High-Level Week of the 76th UN General Assembly. The President of the UN General Assembly, H.E. Abdullah Shahid, and the UN Under-Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo will provide keynote addresses at the event. Due to the ongoing pandemic-related restrictions in the UN host city of New York, the conference is offered in a virtual format.
Romanian Foreign Minister H.E. Bogdan Aurescu will chair the meeting and will also address welcome remarks together with CoD Secretary General Thomas E. Garrett, both to be present in New York City at the Permanent Mission of Romania to the UN. The 10th Ministerial Conference will bring together ministers of foreign affairs and high-level officials of democratic governments, representatives of civil society, youth, and other democracy stakeholders to discuss current challenges and opportunities to democracy under the theme of “Democracy and Resilience: Shared Goals.”
A virtual CoD Youth Forum will follow the Ministerial Conference on September 27-29, 2021.
“Together with Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu and the Romanian Presidency, I look forward to welcoming representatives of governments, civil society, and youth to the most significant event of the Community of Democracies. Our virtual event will provide an important platform for exchanging diverse views and perspectives on strengthening democratic resilience and supporting the shared democratic values outlined in the Warsaw Declaration.”- said CoD Secretary General Thomas E. Garrett.
The Ministerial Conference will conclude with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration by the Participating States.
Background information: Ministerial Conferences
Ministerial Conferences of the Community of Democracies are high-level meetings of states, civil society, and other democracy stakeholders, intending to exchange views and best practices on supporting the shared democratic values and standards outlined in the Warsaw Declaration. The CoD 10th Ministerial Conference was initially planned for 2020 but postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The previous 9th Ministerial Conference was held in 2017 by the United States.
Background information: The Community of Democracies
The Community of Democracies is a global intergovernmental coalition comprised of the Governing Council Member States that support adherence to common democratic standards and values outlined in the Warsaw Declaration. Building on the Warsaw Declaration, the CoD is committed to taking concerted action to advance and protect democratic freedoms, strengthen democratic institutions, and expand political participation.
Contact for media inquiries
Joanna Łozinska
Communications Manager
The Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies
e-mail: media@community-democracies.org
cell: +48 722 333 062