Promoting youth political participation, CoD YouthLeads launch an online campaign “Ready for a Seat”.
The CoD YouthLeads launch the “Ready for a Seat” campaign, to promote youth political participation worldwide, and invite CoD member states, youth organizations, civil society to join them.
The campaign is championed by the CoD YouthLeads and seeks to address the barriers that young people face in political engagement and leadership.
The campaign calls on member states of the U.N. Human Rights Council to ensure that youth voices are heard and valued in decision-making processes at all levels through including a focus on this topic in their September bi-annual resolution.
To start the discussion, the campaign was presented at the 38th Governing Council meeting on June 11, that brought together representatives from CoD Member States, civil society, and youth leaders in Warsaw.
For more information about the “Ready for a Seat” campaign and how you can get involved, please visit the campaign website: www.readyforaseat.com
Sign up to the Call-to-Action and join us in making a difference and ensuring that young leaders have the support and opportunities they need to shape a more inclusive and democratic world.