Reminder: One week left to apply for the CD-UNITED co-funding initiative!

February 6, 2014
Here is an exciting opportunity to turn your democracy-related ideas into reality! Apply for the CD-UNITED co-financing initiative!
For you – government representative, civil society organization or institution, who has always had the urge to promote democratic values, possibly already elaborated a brilliant idea for a project related to democracy or civil society, but couldn't find the proper funding for it, we come with the perfect solution: CD-UNITED, a new program by the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies in cooperation with the U.S. Department of State.
What is the program?
CD-UNITED (Using New Investments to Empower Democracies) is one among many projects coordinated by the Community of Democracies in its vision of promoting action-oriented cooperation to support democracy. From now until February 14, 2014, interested parties can propose projects whose total cost is between 10,000 and 80,000 USD. The projects selected by the Community and the Department of State will be co-funded through a 1:1 cost share together with the U.S. Government, and will be implemented or sub-granted by the Community of Democracies.
What kinds of projects are expected?
Proposals for projects can support one of the Community's Working Groups or initiatives- the LEND Network, Democracy Partnership Challenge, and many others. Examples of qualifying projects include enhancing civil society participation in events of the Community, facilitating access to educational material on democratization through the Community's Working Group on Education for Democracy, supporting the LEND Network through face-to-face meetings, and more.
How do I propose a project?
It's simple! Fill-in the project narrative and the project budget and send it, no later than February 14, 2014, to one of the following:
Magdalena Gawronska, Chief of Staff, Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies.
Robert Z. Haas, Foreign Affairs Officer, U.S. Department of State.
For further details and clarifications, read the CD-UNITED Factsheet or contact the contact persons above.
Don't wait any longer- apply for the CD-UNITED co-financing initiative, and make the dream come true!