Statement by the Secretary General Thomas E. Garrett on the situation in the Republic of Mali
The Community of Democracies has been deeply concerned following the abrupt removal of the Republic of Mali’s elected government in August 2020. This extra-constitutional action of the military violated the democratic principles stated in the Community of Democracies’ Warsaw Declaration.
I welcome and support the inclusion of nine women in the Peace Agreement Monitoring Committee in Mali. The integration of women’s perspectives with all areas of the Agreement Monitoring Committee work, such as a Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration program, decentralization measures, and community policing to strengthen trust between communities and security actors is essential.
Women’s participation in political processes is crucial for the sustainability of democracy-support efforts and post-conflict strategies when rebuilding the social, economic, and political system in Mali. The Women, Peace, and Security agenda goes beyond promoting peace but serves as an integral pillar of functioning and inclusive democracy.
I note the continued commitment and support by many Member States of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies to the MINUSMA mission in Mali, which plays an essential role in Mali’s stabilization. I strongly condemn the attack against MINUSMA peacekeepers on January 13th, 2021, and extend condolences to the families of those killed and injured. We honor the sacrifice of all peacekeepers that have lost their lives since the deployment of MINUSMA in 2013.
At this critical time for Mali, I reaffirm the Community of Democracies’ commitment to supporting its path towards the restoration of constitutional order. The Community of Democracies is ready to help the future democratically elected authorities and the Republic of Mali’s civil society in inclusive efforts to restore, rebuild, and consolidate democratic norms and institutions.