Read the statement by the Chair of the Working Group on Women and Democracy during the side event on women’s political participation held on the margins of the UNGA.
‘The annual estimated cost of gender-based violence against women constitutes around 2 percent of the global GDP. It is more than most of the world spends on education, defence or development aid. We can only guess how much prevention of women from decision-making and politics may cost’– highlighted Ms. Audra Čiapienė, Minister Counsellor, MFA of Lithuania at the side event on women’s political participation, held on September 20th at UNGA.
The event was held by the Community of Democracies in collaboration with the UNDP and International Idea. It featured a panel discussion on the results of five regional consultations on women’s political empowerment that took place over the past year.
The summary of the event and welcoming address by the Chair of the Working Group on Women and Democracy, Ms. Audra Čiapienė, can be downloaded below.