Upcoming event: presentation of the Democracy & Security report at the Warsaw Security Forum

SG Thomas E. Garrett will moderate a discussion on democracy & security, held at the Warsaw Security Forum.
Secretary General Thomas E. Garrett will moderate a discussion panel at the Democracy vs. Security: A False Dilemma session, which will be held on November 8th at the Warsaw Security Forum.
The panel will discuss the results of the final report of the Democracy & Security Dialogue, commissioned by the Community of Democracies and prepared by the researchers at the Brookings Institution’s Foreign Policy Program and the Institute for Security Studies.
Report presentation:
Ted Piccone, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute.
Mehdi Jomaa – former Prime Minister of Tunisia
Miriam Lexmann – EU Regional Program Director, International Republican Institute, Belgium
Nicolas Tenzer – President, Centre d’étude et de réflexion pour l’action politique (CERAP), France
Christopher Walker – Vice President for Studies and Analysis, National Endowment for Democracy, USA
Click here to read the full agenda of the Warsaw Security Forum and join the discussion on Twitter #wsf2017 #DemSec.