About the Community of Democracies

The Community of Democracies (CoD) is an intergovernmental coalition of states working together to promote, defend, and strengthen democracy worldwide.  

The CoD is comprised of the Governing Council Member States committed to shared democratic values outlined in its founding document, the Warsaw Declaration, adopted 25 years ago by over 100 nations from across the world.

Celebrating 25th Anniversary  of the Community of Democracies

In 2025, the Community of Democracies marks 25th anniversary of bringing democratic governments together to promote and strengthen democracy worldwide.

The Community of Democracies provides its Member States with a forum for mutual dialogue, exchange of experiences, and joint diplomatic action on urgent democracy and human rights-related issues.

Our new series: 25 speeches for the 25th anniversary 

Our History

Born as a common initiative of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Polish Foreign Minister Bronisław Geremek, the Community of Democracies was founded at the Ministerial Conference held in Warsaw, Poland, where high-level delegations from 106 countries adopted the Warsaw Declaration Toward a Community of Democracies.

Since its establishment in 2000, the Community of Democracies gradually developed from a conference initiative into a global intergovernmental coalition of democratic states and a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue and discussion.

Our Values

The Community of Democracies is built on the commitment to shared democratic values enshrined in its founding document, the Warsaw Declaration.

The Warsaw Declaration outlines 19 principles for the effective establishment and consolidation of democracy and provides a roadmap to democracy for countries undergoing a democratic transition and a checklist for established democracies.

Our Vision: A world where every nation respects and upholds the core democratic values, principles, and standards of the Warsaw Declaration.

Our Work

Guided by the principles of Warsaw Declaration, the Community of Democracies is committed to taking concerted action to advance and protect democratic freedoms, strengthen democratic institutions, and expand political participation.

Addressing current challenges to democracy and liberty is at the forefront of the Community’s current activities to respond effectively to threats posed to democracies by authoritarian regimes. Learn more about the CoD strategic objectives and main thematic areas.