Working Groups
Composed of states, civil society, and other democracy stakeholders, CoD Working Groups are action-oriented structures that drive the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Community of Democracies.

The Working Group on Democracy and Technology acts as an informal, voluntary structure for joint discussion and action to harness digital technology to support effective and accountable democratic governance.
It fosters collaboration around developing and using digital public goods, such as governance platforms and open source tools, that support democracy and democratic institutions.

The Working Group on Enabling and Protecting Civil Society fosters collaboration among states, civil society and international organizations to counter the growing global trend of constraining civil society.
By combining the diplomatic influence of democratic states with the collective power of the global democratic community, the group ensures that nongovernmental actors are able to voice their opinions and hold their leaders accountable.

The Working Group on Women and Democracy provides a platform to discuss and foster women’s political participation, representation and leadership through identifying and promoting best practices facilitating women’s political participation and recommending guidelines for governments to ensure equal participation and representation for women in the political sphere.