”Women for Peace: Recognizing Women’s Role in Peacebuilding”
– the CoD side event at UNGA74
The Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies is organizing a side-event on “Women for Peace: Recognizing Women’s Role in Peacebuilding”, to be held on the margins of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, on September 26th.
The event will be held as part of the CoD project: “Engaging Women in Sustainable Peace”, which seeks to contribute to international debate on women in the peace and security by outlining best practices from case studies from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The project is kindly funded by the Republic of Korea.
The event will consist of the launch of the CoD new publication: “Engaging Women in Sustaining Peace: A Guide to Best Practices”, followed by a panel discussion on the importance of women’s meaningful participation in peace processes and political agreements. It will provide an opportunity to discuss the significant role that women play in building and sustaining peace, including:
- Women’s engagement in sustaining peace within political bodies, i.e. via the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda by parliaments;
- Women’s involvement in post-conflict resolution processes, i.e. peace talks, transitional justice, mediation;
- Further recommendations and areas for future research on engagement of women in sustaining peace.