Wroc?aw Global Forum

June 11, 2015
The Secretary General of the Community of Democracies, Maria Leissner, will be visiting Wroc?aw, Poland to participate in the Wroc?aw Global Forum on Shaping the Policy and Business Agenda for a New Europe on June 11-13, 2015.
Secretary General to participate in the Wroc?aw Global Forum
The Wroc?aw Global Forum is the leading transatlantic conference in Poland, bringing together policy and business decision makers who are focused on the values of democracy, prosperity and security. This year, the Forum will highlight Central Europe’s successful political transitions and convene more than 400 leaders from government, the private sector, media and civil society.
In light of the event, which will be attended by an array of international participants, Secretary General Maria Leissner will debate the setbacks to a free and fair public sphere as well as the ongoing activities of the Community of Democracies to counter these trends. Currently, the Community is involved in projects with civil society actors, United Nations Special Rapporteurs, its Working Groups and governmental Calls to Action.
On Thursday, June 11th, Secretary General will welcome participants and provide opening remarks to Atlantic Council’s Mark Palmer Roundtable on Countering Authoritarianism. On Friday, June 12th, Secretary General will participate in a panel on the Fight Against Authoritarianism: The Civil Society Toolbox along with Executive Director for the European Endowment for Democracy Jerzy Pomianowski, Director of Vision of Tomorrow from Russia Oleg Kozovsky and Academic visitor from Egypt Leila Alieva.
This month, the Community of Democracies will be celebrating the 15th Anniversary of its founding document, the Warsaw Declaration. July is the month of the Ministerial Conference in El Salvador, which is the world’s largest event highlighting the democratic development of youth, parliament, civil society and private sector.
For media inquiries and interview requests, please contact the Communications Officer at the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies, Mr. Lukasz Lukaszek: llukaszek@community-democracies.org.
For appointments and scheduling inquiries for Secretary General, Maria Leissner, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Secretary General of the Community of Democracies, Ms. Beata Chrostek: bchrostek@community-democracies.org