“Civil society: Key to building stronger democracies post-pandemic”
Side event on the margins of the Fourth session of the United Nations Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
UN Palais des Nations, Geneva, 24 November 2022
The side event will discuss the key role played by civil society in building stronger democracies post-pandemic, looking at both challenges and opportunities. The meeting will additionally aim to share good practices from representatives of civil society.
How to join:
In-person: To request entrance to the UN Palais des Nations and in-person participation, for the Fourth session of the UN Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law Forum, and the CoD side-event, please register at:https://indico.un.org/event/1001727/
Virtual participation: You can also follow the CoD side-event online though the following Webex link on the day and time of the event:https://ungeneva-vc.webex.com/ungeneva-vc/j.php?MTID=md4d3d9d756c0963f0d40c31be286dc37
13:30 – 13:40 Opening remarks by Thomas E. Garrett, Secretary-General of the Community of Democracies
Remarks by Enrique de Obarrio, ISC/Civil Society Pillar Chair and General Coordinator of Redlad (Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy)
13:40 – 14:10 Panel discussion on the vital role played by civil society in building stronger democracies post-pandemic
- Dave Elseroad, Head of Advocacy and Geneva Office, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF)
- Nicola Paccamiccio, Geneva UN Advocacy Officer with CIVICUS
14:10 – 14:20 Q&A
14:30 Closing