The Community of Democracies is hosting a policy session on “Women: A Powerful Force for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism” at the Women Political Leaders Summit on Friday 8th June.
The policy session will seek to facilitate a continued conversation on the findings of the CoD’s Democracy and Security Dialogue that highlighted the positive effect of female empowerment and gender equality on the success, impact and sustainability of countering violent extremism (CVE) and preventing violent extremism (PVE) programming.
The session will explore how gender-based approaches to CVE/PVE may enhance the impact of these responses. Aiming to identify good practices for increasing women’s political participation in this regard, the session will gather female politicians as well as representatives from international and regional organizations.
Opening remarks
Audra ČIAPIENĖ, Counsellor of the Transatlantic Cooperation and Security Policy Department at the MFA of Lithuania, Chair of the Community’s Working Group on Women and Democracy
Thomas E. Garrett, Secretary General, Community of Democracies.
- H.E. Ms. Mara Marinaki, EEAS Principal Adviser on Gender and on the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security;
- Clare Hutchinson, Special Representative for Women Peace and Security, NATO;
- Cheryl Frank, Head of the Transnational Threats and International Crime Division, Institute for Security Studies;
- Fauzyia Abdi Ali, President of Women in International Security (WIIS) Kenya;
- Ms. Amarsanaa Darisuren, Senior Advisor on Gender Issues, OSCE
The Summit is a joint initiative of the Women Political Leaders Global Forum (WPL) and the Parliament of Lithuania. Lithuania is an active member of the CoD’s Governing Council and a strong advocate of women’s rights. The Summit in Vilnius will bring together more than 200 female political leaders from across the world as well as experts and leaders from academia, business and civil society. The event will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices and lessons learned on women’s role in political decision making.
The Community of Democracies is an official partner of the WPL Summit 2018.