The Community’s new publication: ”Best Practice in Community of Democracies’ member states engagement with, and protection of, civil society” has been launched at the Warsaw Dialogue for Democracy.
In an effort to lead by example, and in support of the principles outlined in the Civil Society Standards, the Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies (PSCD) developed a publication on “Best practice in Community of Democracies’ member states engagement with and protection of civil society”.
The publication was funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom within the project: “Designing new guidelines by which citizens, civil society organizations and governments can work better together”.
” This publication is a best practice guide to promote some of the wonderful work the Community’s member states are doing to engage with civil societies in their countries” – said Catherine Firth of the United Kingdom’s Embassy in Poland in her opening remarks at the launch event at the Warsaw Dialogue for Democracy.
”In explaining the importance of civil society, the publication says ‘civil society is a fundamental building block of democracy, essential to its functioning and sustainability’. The UK strongly believes that where democracy thrives, security and prosperity will follow”– she added.
Click on the link below to download the publication: